I am a linguist, geographer, teacher, and translator.

The nexus of language and space is the recurring topic of my studies.

Having graduated from the Faculty of Geography (University of Warsaw), where I studied urban planning, I attempt to bring a new perspective to linguistics. For my PhD project, I ask what is sp(a/e)tial about a book: I study English coursebooks printed in Japan for Japanese students by the Japanese publishing houses. I look for their spatial aspects, both the space of the books themselves and the geographical space they depict. As a part of “Wisła akwakrytyczna: historia środowiskowa, literatura i głębokie mapowanie” project, I help the team give a spatial dimension to a novel ecocritical discourse analysis by using deep mapping and interpretative maps. In my translator’s work, when I tackle texts from such domains as geography and geo-history, I look for the evolution of some terms and ideas in space and time.